Quote Tony Fax="Tony Fax"Hey, burnleydave ..... being a Fax fan I remember (when we were good in the 90s) going to Knowsley Road and standing at the half way line waiting to see which way we played. At the kick off, we kicked off and there were cries of dispair as the scouse "fans" behind us shreeked "Loooook ..... that was offside at the KO ... Yorkshire bastads, the ref's a f******g cheat! W*****S!!! T**T!" .... And so it went on ...... Ever since then I really have had the lowest respect for the scousers. Terrible "fans". Moan moan moan moan moan. Funny how certain things mould one's thoughts eh?'"
Must of moulded your brain aswell eh, were do you get this scouse s.h.i.t. from?