Quote Kettykat="Kettykat"Bit different nowadays from when I worked down the pit and it was full on all week getting stick from hoards of Cas and Fev fans .We even used to get out early if one of the teams was playing the other ,how times have changed .To be honest never had the slightest interest in football so rugby has been my sporting passion with four generations stood on the terraces over the years sadly now down to three.I know the cats game for some is neither here or there in the big scheme ,but I still dream of Wakey running out At Wembley, every time the cup comes around ever since I was stood with my dad in 79 .Suppose the challenge cup is more an old farts thing compared to the grand final ,but I know which I’d love to see more than owt, and it wouldn’t be old Trafford .'"
I think you’d be surprised. I’m only 31 and supported the Trin from being a kid and I’d pick a day at Wembley over Old Trafford everyday of the week. Although I would not sniff at a Grand Final. If only!